Today (Monday 17th June 2024) we are privileged to represent Mrs Tracy Clark at an Article 2 Inquest in Exeter following the tragic loss of her son Connor MacKenzie Clark (deceased) on 12th June 2021.

Simon Quinn, Partner and Head of Military at Hilary Meredith Solicitors said: “This is a very sad case and unfortunately yet another example of a young life lost too soon. After delays by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and following a long wait for an Inquest date; we hope that the Inquest will finally provide Mrs Clark with the answers she needs and deserves and that the MoD’s actions, inactions and failings are brought to light, so that lessons can be learnt and future loss of life avoided.”
The Inquest will be told that those failings include failure to engage mental health services, failure to engage with other statutory and/or emergency services; failure to monitor CCTV and failure to check the perimeter fencing. In short failure to take obvious and reasonable steps that may have prevented this tragedy.
If you or someone you know requires representation at an Inquest then we would recommend you contact Hilary Meredith Solicitors without delay to discuss your matter/enquiry with one of our specialist Solicitors. There really is no substitute for experience when dealing with Inquests especially in military cases; and with over 37 years of experience fighting for the rights of serving personnel, their families and veterans Hilary Meredith Solicitors has the experience that counts.
Hilary Meredith Solicitors regularly provide assistance and representation at Inquests and you may entitled to representation on a Pro Bono, CFA/No win No Fee, or a Legal Aid funded basis. We expedite our client’s cases and for cases already underway even with other Solicitors we offer a free no obligation review/2nd opinion.
For any enquiries relating to this or any other Inquest(s), please contact Hilary Meredith Solicitors today on 01625 53 99 22/0800 124 4444/