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MoD to compensate veterans over hearing loss

Writer: AdminAdmin

Hilary Meredith Solicitors cautiously welcomes the announcement made today that service personnel and veterans who sustained hearing loss and in particular that ‘people discharged after 1987 could be eligible for compensation’.

Although appearing at first blush to be a positive move by the MoD it is not clear:


(i) What the MoD are or are not admitting

(ii) If the compensation scheme referred to is additional to those already in existence

(iii) The impact on those service personnel who are already pursuing civil claims

(iv) What the MoD’s position is on the Part  2 of the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Act 2021 - an egregious Act of Parliament that removed the ability of the Courts to grant discretion to allow a case to be pursued by creating an absolute bar to any overseas claims being brought 6 years after the accident/incident.


Military hearing loss cases are not uniform and each turns on its own distinct facts. These are not cases arising from a particular industrial process such as printing presses or steel furnaces but from a myriad of different circumstances and conditions ranging from the battlefield to the parade ground. Having dealt with military hearing loss claims against the MoD both in and out of Court for many years we now await with interest any further developments.


There really is no substitute for experience when dealing with military cases and with over with over 37 years of experience fighting for the rights of serving personnel, their families and veterans Hilary Meredith Solicitors has the experience that counts.


Hilary Meredith Solicitors regularly achieve six figure settlements in Military NIHL cases and regularly achieve seven or eight figure settlements for other seriously injured Military claimants.  We expedite our injured Military Claimant’s cases and arrange rehabilitation from the outset/earliest opportunity for those who require it.


For Military personal injury cases already underway with other Solicitors we offer a free no obligation review/2nd opinion.


Contact us today to find out more.


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